iCLIP (Cerner Millennium)
iCLIP (Cerner Millennium) guides and resources on the intranet
- Pocket guides / downtime resources / electronic prescribing and medication administration (ePMA) / reference guides
Deployment 2018 resources and links
- The Trust is deploying iClip (Cerner Millenium) to the rest of the inpatient wards. This consists of electronic medical & nursing documentation (clindocs) and electronic Prescribing and Medicines Administration (ePMA). The deployment will begin on the 8th October and will balance the conflicting priorities of natural flow of patients through the hospital and looming winter pressures. This will be a rapid phased rollout and we will complete bar Neonatal and Maternity wards by the last week of November. Neonates and maternity will go live early in the New Year.
ePrescribing pocket guide for prescribers version 4 (Sept 2016)
- Following on-going support for clinical staff, the ‘EPMA Pocket Guide for Prescribers’ has been updated (v3.1 to v4.0) to include new working examples (e.g. tapering) and various tips. Please familiarise yourself with the guide, and when supporting users, always highlight that the guide is accessible by clicking on ‘ICLIP Info’ (PowerChart) > EPMA > All Pocket Guides. Please send any comments or feedback to iclipepma@stgeorges.nhs.uk
How do I do that in iCLIP?
- Martin Gray's blog
How to fix the barcode scanners, including turning off the flashing (motion detection)
iCLIP quick reference guides - intranet link ONLY WORKS ON Internet Explorer from within the Trust
- Also on the L drive at L:\Files\ICLIP Trust-wide Information\--All Pocket Guides--
iCLIP you tube channel demonstrting how to . . .
Need to give Kingston or Croydon Hospital teams access to a St George's patient's iCLIP record?
- Transitions of care with Kingston & Croydon Hospitals For patients being transferred to our network hospitals. Our Cerner instance is available at Kingston and Croydon. This means that referring clinicians can see into the iCLIP notes at St George's, saving printing reams of notes at the point of transfer for complex patients. Network clinicians need to use this link https://stghuk.cernerworks.uk/ from their internal network. Kingston & Croydon staff should already have a smart cards & they can email our RA office on registration.authority@stgeorges.nhs.uk with their card UUID and we add their access to our system.