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Legal and ethical including death certification and the coronial service, duty of candour, deprivation of liberty, etc

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 Title   Type 
Link Advance Decision / Directive (Living Will) pack Link
File Blank MG11T1 - Official police statement form File
Link Clinically-assisted nutrition and hydration (CANH) Link
Link A code of practice for the diagnosis and confirmation of death. AoRMC 2008 Link
Folder Coroner Folder
Link Decisions relating to cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). BMA 15 June 2016 Link
File Decisions relating to CPR - Oct 2014 File
Folder Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) Folder
Folder Duty of Candour Folder
File Free from infection form File
File Further advice on DNACPR BMJ June 2015 File
File Guidance from the Trust Legal Services Dept regarding requests for comments and statements in response to complaints and incidents File
File Guidance for doctors completing Medical Certificates of Cause of Death - 2008 File
File Guidance on determining the best interests of adults who lack the capacity to make a decision (or decisions) for themselves File
File IMCA referral form File
Link Information governance Link
File International guideline development for the determination of death - ICM 2014 File
Folder Legal judgements and their interpretations Folder
File Mental Capacity Act and Depravation of Liberty Safeguarding case based editorial File
Link Mental capacity and law resources Link
Link Midnight Law from FICM's Legal & Ethical Policy Unit (LEPU) Link
File Record of Death Form version 23 Novemeber 2016 File
File Section 5(2) of the Mental Health Act - How and when to use File
File Section 5(2) of Mental Health Act - Form H1 File
Link Social media security: user guide Link
Link St George's local guides to the mental capacity act and depravation of liberty safeguarding Link
File When and how to treat patients who refuse treatment File
Link Withdrawal of Assisted Ventilation - Association for Palliative Medicine of Great Britain and Ireland Nov2015 Link
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