GICU junior doctors' induction programme
The one and only, revolutionary, all singing and dancing, GICU, rolling, 10 minute, beginning of the sit down ward round, training / induction programme.
- Shifts, rotas, annual leave, study leave, sickness / absence, disputes and arbitration
- Teaching – Moodle, Thursday mornings, ALERT (volunteers to teach), other teaching opportunities / teacher training
- Infection control – dress (watches etc) / hand washing / gloves, aprons, gowns, eyewear / handling lines / line insertion / what to do in the event of needle stick
- Notes and ward rounds / discharge forms / communication / death - certificates, cremation forms, coroner.
- Airways / “6111” / tracheostomies
- End of life care and DNAR policy
- Referrals & WARD WATCHER diagnostic coding
- Transfers around the hospital and further afield
- Daily checklist of things to think about / empirical antibiotic guidelines / other ICU drugisms
- Post-operative optimisation / goal directed therapy
- Ventilators – a beginners guide
- NG tubes / GI bleeds / intra-abdominal pressure
- Physios – what we do / what we don’t do / spinal clearance forms
- Renal replacement therapy – a beginners guide
- Current research / studies / audits – a what’s going on guide